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Исследование влияния примесей на электрические свойства монокристаллических тонких слоев NaNo2

Исследование влияния примесей на электрические свойства монокристаллических тонких слоев NaNo2
  • Автор:

    Талаат Хаммад

  • Шифр специальности:


  • Научная степень:


  • Год защиты:


  • Место защиты:


  • Количество страниц:

    154 с. : ил.

  • Стоимость:

    700 р.

    499 руб.

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Страницы оглавления работы
1.2. Review on NaN02 crystal and thin layers 
1.3. Review of previous work on KN02 and NaNOj


Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1. Preface

1.2. Review on NaN02 crystal and thin layers

1.3. Review of previous work on KN02 and NaNOj

1.3.1. KN02

1.3.2. NaN03

1.4. Doped NaN02crystals

1.5. The size dependence of ferroelectric properties of

ferroelectric thin film

1.6. Review of previous methods used for preparetion of thin
1.6.1. RF - Sputtering
1.6.2. Chemical vapour Deposition
1.6.3. So - Gel method
1.6.4. Laser Ablation
Chapter 2: Experimental techniques
2.1. Preparation of thin layers of NaN02 and its doped analog
2.2. Measurements of d.c resistivity and pyroelectric current
2.2.1. Theory of operation
(a) Overall functional description
(b) Input preamplifier
2.3. Measurements of dielectric constant
2.4. I - V measurements
2.5. Ferroelectricity

Chapter 3: Results and discussions
3.1 Comparative study of the electrical properties of NaN02 thin
layers single crystal
3.2. Dependence of electrical and dielectrical properties of mixed
thin layers (KxNaj-xNOa) system on their composition
3.2.1. The temperature dependence of the dielectric constant of
mixed thin layers
3.2.2. The temperature dependence of the d.c resistivity of (KxNai_xN02) thin layers
3.2.3. The temperature dependence of pyroelectric current of
mixed thin layers
3.2.4. The dependence of dielectric constant and d.c resistivity on
the composition "x"
3.2.5. Dependence of the pyroelectric current on the
composition "x"
3.2.6. Determination of activation energies of mixed thin layers
3.2.7. Discussion
3.3. Electrical properties of mixed thin layers
[(NaN03)x-(NaN02)1_x] system
3.3.1. The temperature dependence of dielectric constant of mixed
thin layers [(NaN03)x-(NaN02)i-x] system
3.3.2. The temperature dependence of d.c resistivity of mixed thin layers
3.3.3. The temperature dependence of pyroelectric current of
mixed thin layers
3.3.4. The dependence of dielectric constant and d.c resistivity on
the composition "x"

3.3.5. The dependence of pyroelectric current of mixed thin layers
on the composition "x"
3.3.6. Determination of activation energies
3.3.7. Discussion
3.4. Ferroelectric properties of carbon-doped NaN02 thin layers
3.4.1. Dielectric constant and d.c resistivity of carbon doped
NaNO? thin layers
3.4.2. Pyroelectric current of mixed thin layers
3.4.3. Determination of activation energies
3.4.4. Dependence of dielectric constant and d.c resistivity on
carbon concentration at constant temperature (130°C)
3.4.5. Dependence of pyroelectric current on the carbon concentration
3.4.6. Discussion
L_ _l O' i
-'0 -0-5 0
Fig.(1.12). Order parameter profiles, P vs. z /1,0, for 5 = 50 and L = 20 and P axis is scaled by
Pm0=(A0/B) [115].
1 1 1 1 1 1, 11 ;/ H p—

I 1 i ! 1 , ! i ! i 1 t i 1 t i i ! i I
<- 1 0 —i
Fig.(l -13). Order parameter profiles, P vs. z / £0, for 5 = -50 and L = 2£0, Tc = 1.12 TCo and
T0 = 0.813 Tco [115].

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