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Эллинистическая Александрия как синтез культур Востока и Запада : В свете подводно-археологических исследований

  • Автор:

    Ибрагим Аттиа Дарвич Ибрагим

  • Шифр специальности:


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  • Количество страниц:

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    700 р.

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Table of content
Chapter I. The reflection of the socio-cultural reality of the Hellenistic Alexandria in different
sources and scientific literature
§1 Historiography of the question
§2 The written sources
§3 The significance of the underwater archaeological data for the studying of the culture of the Hellenistic
Chapter II. The Hellenistic Alexandria according to
the data of underwater research
§ 1 The history of underwater archaeology
§2 The submerged cultural heritage of Alexandria
Chapter III. East and West in the culture of
Hellenistic Alexandria
§1 The personality of Alexander the Great as a main factor of the establishment and development of the Hellenic
§2The brief revue of the cultural history of Alexandria 116 §3 The changings in the population of the Hellenistic
§4 The intellectual and religious life of the Hellenic
§5 The peculiarities of the synthesis of the western and
eastern elements in the Hellenistic Alexandria
List of photos and figures
Actuality of the theme
The cultures of the peoples, who have created the great civilizations of antiquity draw attention of scholars until know. Moreover, the interest in the ancient cultures is not just a memorial. The antiquity let us to see the modem culture from the new point of view if historical and cultural analogies are based on the facts that are represented in the system unity and historical outlook.
The culture of Ancient Egypt was evoked from oblivion rather long time ago. There is tradition of studying of this culture in the network of archaeological, historical and philological sciences. But as far as culturology is concerned it is important to bring out this analysis outside studying exclusively material or, on the contrary, spiritual culture. The sociocultural analysis let us to see the culture of a studied epoch as the inwardly disjointed whole that is building up under the influence of different factors, such as environmental, ethnical, socio-political and spiritual.
The analysis of the phenomenon of Hellenism provokes a special interest in the light of the world cultural-historical development. This phenomenon became the first realization the synthesis of the western and eastern cultures. The more ancient attempts of such kind of synthesis were really impossible since “the Hellenistic world” that arouse in the Northern Mediterranean in the 1 mille-nium BCE became the land of so-called “western culture”. The conventional flourishing of the ancient Greek culture falls in Athens of the 5 century BCE. Later in the 4th century BCE the expansion of Alexander the Great gave birth to such a considerable phenomenon of culture as Hellenism.
Problem of correlation and synthesis between East and West is one of the most urgent and widely discussed nowadays. The main force in such kind of

synthesis today is the western culture that is based on the standards of the political democracy and mass society. The phenomenon of the Hellenism is of interest in particular because it had solved the problem of the correlation between western and eastern in culture in a non-unambiguous way.
The Hellenistic Alexandria was situated in the center of the processes mentioned above and that is why the analysis of the specialties of the Hellenistic culture in that region is the most representative. Moreover, the new methods of research connected with the underwater archaeology let us to include the missing data the whole picture of the Hellenism phenomena. Using of the methods of the underwater archaeology, the science that is relatively young but very perspective, gave the opportunity to reconstruct monuments of history that were, it seemed, irrevocably destroyed. The underwater archaeology also let us to analyze and interpret that kind of sociocultural reality that was known before just according to the writing sources.
We can find in the culture of the Hellenistic Alexandria not just vicinity of the different sides of the western and eastern culture but the attempt of the synthesis of such contrary moments as idolization of the king in the policy and hope on the personal choice of the human being in the philosophy. We will try to give an explanation exactly to this contradiction on the base of the comparison of traditional writing sources and new underwater archaeology data in the suggested Ph.D. thesis
The state of the elaboration of the problem
In 19th century the policy of Eurocentrism was given a dare by its alternatives - the ideology of orietalism and the principle of the pluralism of the cultures that was elaborated in the morphology of cultures by O. Spengler. In the 20* century the opposition of cultures was replaced by their synthesis even if confessional and other differences have been remained inside the cultures.

Menuthis has increased our knowledge and information about these two mysterious cities. It brought to memory the magnificent monuments which were salvaged from Abukir bay; the statue of Ptolemy IV (204-221 B.C) of pink granite No. 3364 in hall 12 in the Graeco-Roman Museum and the statue of Ptolemy VI (181-145 B.C) No .3357 in the same hall.
During the last 10 years the field of underwater archaeology in Egypt has witnessed several and great activities which led to very important discoveries. These discoveries led to the scientific concepts concerning the sites where they were discovered. These quick survey and discoveries of archaeological activities in the seas of Alexandria during this century shows that this science has changed from individual attempts to systematic; organized and scientific activities. Nautical Archaeology in Egypt come through different stages in nine decades, and we believe that the next ten years will even see much more development of nautical archeological research in Egypt.
The archaeological works at the regions that were mentioned before were really fruitful and gave us a unique opportunity to imagine the picture of the cultural life of Alexandria during different stages of its history.

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