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Предсказания масс в рамках МССМ на основе инфракрасных квазификсированных точек

  • Автор:

    Юрчишин, Мариан

  • Шифр специальности:


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  • Год защиты:


  • Место защиты:


  • Количество страниц:

    106 с.

  • Стоимость:

    700 р.

    499 руб.

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Страницы оглавления работы

1 One-Loop Renormalization Group Equations and the Infrared Quasi-Fixed Points in the MSSM
1.1 Infrared Quasi-Fixed Points
1.2 Renormalization Group Equations
1.3 Exact solution of the RGEs in the case of small tan/
1.4 Infrared Quasi-Fixed Points Analysis in the Small tan /
1.5 Analysis of the infrared behavior of the RGEs in the
case of large tan 0 scenario
1.6 Iterative Solution of the RGEs
and the IRQFP Behavior
2 Universality Assumption and the Mass Prediction in the MSSM
2.1 The Mass Formulas in the MSSM
2.1.1 Gaugino-Higgsino Mass Terms
2.1.2 Squark and Slepton Masses

'2.1.3 The Higgs potential and masses of the Higgs
2.2 Masses of Stops, Higgs Bosons and Charginos in the Small tan /3 Case
2.3 Mass Prediction in the large tan/3 Scenario
3 Mass Prediction in the MSSM: Non-Universal Case
3.1 Small tan /3 regime
3.2 Large tan/3 Scenario
4 The Lightest Higgs Boson in the Large t.an/3 Scenario Based on the Exact Determination of Top and Bottom Masses
Apendix A
Apendix B
Apendix C

Figure 1.5: The IRQFPs for pT = Yrja3 (a) and i'ja, = At/M3 (b)
scale and for pi(Mgiij) = 5. One can see the strong attraction to the fixed points.
The question of stability of these IRQFPs becomes important for further consideration. We have analyzed their stability under the change of the initial conditions for pi(MguT) and have found remarkable stability, which allows one to use them as fixed parameters at the Mz scale. In Fig. 1.6b a particular example of stability of IRQFP for At is shown. As a result we have the following IRQFP values for the parameters p^p
PAt ~ —0.619, pAb » —0.658, p^ ~ 0.090.
The last value for AT is not important for calculation of masses (see the next chapter).
The last step in the investigation of the RGEs is the calculation of the soft mass parameters and finding of appropriate IRQFPs. Corresponding RGEs are given by Eqs. (1.11-1.17). We can express them

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