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Расширенный поиск

Формирование и транспортировка сильноточных импульсных плазменных и ионных пучков в поперечном магнитном поле и замагниченной плазме

  • Автор:

    Андерсон Майкл Гордон

  • Шифр специальности:


  • Научная степень:


  • Год защиты:


  • Место защиты:


  • Количество страниц:

    137 с. : ил.

  • Стоимость:

    700 р.

    499 руб.

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Proprietary Rights of Manuscript
ANDERSON Michael Gordon
01.04.20 - Physics of Charged Particle Beams and Accelerating Technique
Submitted for the Scientific Degree: CANDIDATE of Physics and Mathematical Sciences
Supervising Professor,
Doctor of Physics and Mathematical Science:
Vitaly Mikhailovich Bystritskii

Introduction Rationale and justification of the research topic
Chapter 1 Review of relevant, existing experimental and theoretical data
on pulsed high current PB/IB formation and propagation
1.1 Ion beam formation
1.2 Plasma beam formation
1.3 Plasma and ion beam propagation
1.4 Planned tasks of research
Chapter 2 Description of experiment, hardware and diagnostics
Chapter 3 Results and analysis of the formation and transport of pulsed
high current H+ PB across B-field in vacuum and magnetized plasma
3.1 Plasma beam formation
3.2 PB propagation in vacuum without magnetic field
3.3 PB propagation in plasma without magnetic field
3.4 PB propagation in vacuum transverse magnetic field
3.5 Plasma beam propagation in magnetized plasma
3.6 Main results and analysis
3.7 Main tasks completed
Results and analysis of the formation and transport of pulsed

high current H+IB across B-field in vacuum and magnetized plasma
4.1 Ion beam formation
4.1.1 Marx generator
4.1.2 Magnetically insulated diode
4.1.3 Anode
4.1.4 Cathode
4.1.5 Puff valve
4.1.6 AC gap magnetic field
4.1.7 Plasma ion source
4.1.8 Magnetic lens
4.1.9 Solenoid
4.1.10 Plasma guns
4.2 IB propagation in vacuum transverse magnetic field
4.3 Ion beam propagation in magnetized plasma
4.4 Main results and analysis
4.5 Main tasks completed
Chapter 5 Results and analysis of FRC formation and injection of pulsed
high current PB/IB into FRC
5.1 FRC formation with background plasma
5.2 FRC formation by PB injection into vacuum B-field
5.3 Injection of plasma beam into preformed FRC
5.4 Injection of ion beam into preformed FRC
5.5 Main results of PB/IB injection into an FRC
Conclusion Executive summary of main novel results of thesis

processes on the neutral hydrogen (aex ~ 10(I6'b) cm2) leaking from the puff-valve(s) during the pause between two or more pulses. Thus, the plasma flow generated in the second discharge propagates through a 30 to 40 cm thick layer of neutral hydrogen (for a 300 to 400 jus pause between discharges). With neutral densities of ~ 1014 (a few tens of mTorr) it is sufficient to provide almost 100% charge exchange of the “hot” portion of the ions in the flow.
A modified puff-valve with a shorter gas front would significantly improve the intensity of the second plasma flow, which could be of major importance for magnetic confinement devices.
The application of high current hydrogen thyratrons for a multi-pulse plasma source operation looks promising. In fact, up to now this is the only
• • 7
electronic device that can provide switching on the level of 10 to 10 W with the frequency of ~ 10 kHz.
The use of a commercial hydrogen fuel injector in the multi-pulse mode on the IPS-1 was plagued with very long opening time and closing times compared to the puff-valves used in the experiments with double pulses. Slow opening of the injector evidently resulted in a build-up of a thick gas layer in front of the IPS surface and subsequently an increase of charge exchange processes near the IPS surface.
The operation of various IPS designs and circuit schemes for their drives were demonstrated and characterized. The experiments were done in single, double-pulse and multi-pulse regimes with the use of commercial sparkgaps and thyratrons for switching at power levels of 107 to 10 8W. These switches gave us the opportunity to generate two or more plasma flows in a sequence with a controlled time interval between them of > 20 us and ~ 100 pis for the double-pulse and multi-pulse regimes, respectively.

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