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Разработка управленческих и административных информационных систем в Европейской организации ядерных исследований (ЦЕРН, г. Женева, Швейцария)

  • Автор:

    Фергюсон, Джон МакЛейш

  • Шифр специальности:


  • Научная степень:


  • Год защиты:


  • Место защиты:


  • Количество страниц:

    216 с. : ил.

  • Стоимость:

    700 р.

    499 руб.

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Common characteristics of dissertation
The Goal of Investigation and Tasks to be realised
Scientific Novelty consisting of the following:
Scientific and practical value consisting of the following:
1. The State of the Organisation and the Technology in use in the Administrative Informatics Environment in the Laboratory in the Mid Nineteen Eighties
1.1. Mandate
1.2. The Technical Audit
1.3. Current Resources Used
Table 1. Human Resources MIS activities in 1986
Table 2. Financial Resources Invested in MIS activities from 1975 to 1986
1.4. Review by Topic
1.4.1. Management Decision Support (DBMS, analysis/presentation,
1.4.2. Text Processing
1.4.3. Electronic Communication for Management Purposes
1.4.4. Office automation
1.4.5. Administrative use of Management Information Systems (MIS),
Administrative Data Processing (ADP), Personal Computers (PCs), Central
Computers, and Miscellaneous Systems
1.5. Service Requirements, Resources, Organizational Framework
1.5.1. General Overview
1.5.2. Service Requirements
1.5.3. Human Resources
1.5.4. Organizational Framework
1.6. Pragmatic Implementation Proposal
1.7. Human Resources
1.8. Financial Resources
1.9. Resulting Actions
1.10. Outputs according to the first chapter:
2. The Advanced Information Systems Project :
2.1. Persisting Information Systems problems
2.2. The establishment of the Advanced Information Project
2.3. AIS Strategy Decisions
2.4. Success Criteria
2.5. Information System Architecture
2.6. Information Model
Table 3. Information system functions highest level
Table 4. Information system functions Finance second level
Table 5. Information system functions Finance third level
2.7. Business Areas
2.8. The Finance Application description
2.9. The systems development strategy
2.10. In-house applications
2.11. Foundation
2.12. Office Automation and Decision Support Tools
2.13. The Electronic Document Handling application
2.13.1. Electronic signature
2.14. The Budget Holders Toolkit
2.15. Human Resources Information systems
2.16. The applications architecture implemented
2.17. Outputs according to the second chapter:
3. The Combination of Web technology with MIS developments
3.1. Client Server Status
3.2. The Creation of the World Wide Web
3.3. Dynamic Web Information
3.3.1. Common Gateway Interface
3.3.2. The Creation of Java
3.3.3. Applets versus Servlets
3.4. First Web Applications in AIS
3.5. The Move of EDH to the Web
3.5.1. Enterprise Java Beans
3.5.2. EDH Web Security
3.6. Decision Support Web Developments
3.7. Outputs according to the third chapter:
• A definition of the sets of data by topic required had to be made. Examples were of the type:
• accounting information (status of payments, contracts, commitments);
• purchasing information (including on-line status information of any order/contract);
• budget planning/management/information
This had in some way to closely integrate with accounting information. It had to include all known financial planning information to the group/project level. Recent historical data was also required:
• personnel Information;
• information on all persons having access to site;
• stores catalogues;
• material Inventory;
• suppliers data base;
• wiring of site;
• administrative computer facilities available;
• space inventory and administration;
• telephone list.
It was noted that whilst data entry should be distributed, for most of the central data bases there was also a need (administrative or legal) for central validation of some information e.g. change of home address could be updated by the persons

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