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Биотехнические методы оценки и коррекции растяжки стопы человека и лечебно-диагностический комплекс на их основе

  • Автор:

    Сейго Ирие

  • Шифр специальности:


  • Научная степень:


  • Год защиты:


  • Место защиты:


  • Количество страниц:

    184 с. : ил

  • Стоимость:

    700 р.

    499 руб.

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CHAPTER 1. Review of known methods and means for estimation
and correction of foot functions
1.1. Classification of functional foot disoders
1.2. Description of known foot state parameters
1.3. Known Instrumental methods for the foot state
1.4. Known Methods of correction of foot disfunctions
1.5. Reseach problems formulation
CHAPTER 2. Biotechnical for foot state estimation and correction
2.1. Medical technology of foot state estimation and correction
2.2. Biotechnical instrumental system
2.3. The system of the foot state correction methods
2.4. Conclusions
CHAPTER 3. Biotechnical Technology and research results of foot state
3.1. Classification of foot state parameters
3.2. The development of mathematical model describing the foot state
3.3. Expert estimation of mathematical model parameters
3.4. Biotechnical method of foot state estimation
3.5. Conclusions
CHAPTER 4. Experimental research results

4.1. Research program for foot estimation and correction
4.2. Results of experimental research
4.3. Recommendation for clinical usage

The human feet which support the entire body weight, control vertical balance, provide body’s motion in the space, coordination when walking and other complex movements differ by variety of elements with complex structure of their interaction [1]. These interactions are reflected in so much matched physiological processes that even slight restriction of the range of motion (RROM) or myalgia affect the quality of performing of the said functions. It is not easy to maintain all functions of such a delicate part of the body because of the external factors influence (injury, contusion etc.), as well as internal reasons (worsening of cord (copula, elasticity, salts deposits, age changers etc.) disorders of foot range motion occur and as a consequence, appearance of diseases of support and motion organs of a human being [2, 3, 4, 5]. Special importance myalgia has for professional sportsmen and those who are engaged in sufficient loads on support and motion organs. However for other people any disorders of foot range motion create difficulties for the fulfillment of every day work.
The main method for relieving of RROM syndrome and myalgia is thorough foot stretching. It is thought that many people recognize the benefits of stretching from their own experience, however, their role in provision of normal foot functioning has also been proved scientifically, physiologically, and statistically [6-8]. At the same time when studying possibilities of foot stretching methods surgeons pay attention mainly to mechanical mechanisms of this process not touching the depth aspects

apparatus of landmark measurement.
The electric joint goniometer used dynamic to measure the change of the angle of the joint of limbs in general is done with electric goniometer. Refer to 1.2-4 for the basic structure. It is electric goniometer equipment, which originally measures the rotation angle in one axis circumference. Therefore, it needs of the device in a basic structure for application to the living body joint, which does three-dimension movement with slipping on the transformation of soft tissue and the joint side. Moreover, there is personally a type and an indirect type of measurement methods, and the type install a suitable running away mechanism directly in following arm so that the movement other than the main movement is not transmitted to axial rotation of electric goniometer. An indirect type measures the amounts it is possible to provide by six independent amounts concerning the position of the coordinate system where a relative position of two paragraphs was fixed to each paragraph and the direction, and calculates three-dimension movement, which includes slipping of the joint.
It is necessary to make suitable base gauge to adjust the sensitivity of the equipment when measuring. Next, the checker look for the joint center, a fixed part with a little influence such as the expansion of stripe is chosen, and apparatus is installed. The checker should do enough gait exercise before the measurement is executed, and have uneasiness not given to the subjects. The checker should confirm the presence of the measurement data and subjects abnormality under the

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